Kerala VHSE Course List - VHSCAP 2015 (

List of VHSE Courses 2015 -

Check out the list of VHSE (Vocational Higher Secondary Education) course list with the following link:

We can find course code and course name there.
VHSE Course are: Mechanical Servicing(Agro-machinery), Computer Application, Civil Construction and Maintenance, Computer Science, Maintenance and Repairs of Automobiles, Maintenance and Repairs of Domestic Appliances, Maintenance and Repairs of Radio and Television, Maintenance and Repairs of Two Wheelers and Three Wheelers, Printing Technology, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, Rubber Technology, Textile Dyeing and Printing, Textile Weaving, Fruits and Vegetables(Agriculture), Nursery Management and Ornamental Gardening (Agriculture), Plant Protection(Agriculture), Sericulture(Agriculture), Dairying and Milk Products, Live Stock Management(Dairy Husbandry), Live Stock Management(Poultry Husbandry), Aquaculture Fisheries, Fishing Craft and Gear Technology Fisheries, Fish Processing Technology Fisheries, Maintenance and Operation of Marine Engines Fisheries, Domestic Nursing, Dental Technology, ECG and Audiometric Technician, Medical Laboratory Technician, Maintenance and Operation of Bio Medical Equipments, Physiotherapy, Physical Education, Cosmetology and Beauty Parlour Management, Clothing and Embroidery, Creche and Pre- School Management, Travel and Tourism, Accountancy and Auditing, Banking Assistance, General Insurance, Marketing and Salesmanship, Office Secretaryship, Reception, Book-Keeping and Communication, Catering and Restaurant Management, etc.

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